Showing 10 results for Ebrahimi
Mr Mohammad Aghaebrahimian, Mr Mohammad Hasan Roostaee, Mr Hoorieh Soleiman Jahi, Mr Keyvan Zandi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Iranian south medical of journals 2003)
Herpes Simplex Virus type -1 (HSV-1) of human causes important diseases in its hosts. Because of emerging of new strains of HSV-1 which are resistant to current antiviral drugs it is necessary to produce an effective vaccine. Different vaccines have been produced to prevent HSV-1 infections of which DNA vaccines are among suitable candidates.The aim of this project was to evaluate the immunogenicity of individual clones including pcDNA3-gD-1 and pcDNA3-gB-1, which carry gD-1 gene or gB-1 gene respectively. At the same time attempts were made to test the immunogenicity of combination of both clones. Three groups of susceptible BALB/c mice each including 10 mice were inoculated with either clone or combination of them separately. Three injections with 21-day intervals were given to each of mice. Blood samples were collected immediately before and 21 days after each injection and all blood samples were tested for HSV-1 neutralizing antibodies. At the same time 3 more groups of 10 BALB/c mice were used as controls of which one group was injected with standard HSV-1 strain of KOS (as positive control) and other groups received either empty plasmid or PBS and used as negative controls. Twenty - one days after last injections all test and control mice were challenged with 1.65 MLD50 of wild - type HSV-1. Results of virus neutralization test and resistance to challenge of each group were compared.Based on data obtained from this project it was shown that each of clones or combination of them were able to induce protective immunity in the test animals against wild-type of HSV-1. The level of HSV-1 antibody reached its highest level after third injection whereas, mice receiving combined clones showed higher level of neutralizing antibody than the other test groups. No neutralizing antibody was produced in negative control mice and their resistance to challenge virus was much less than that of the test groups or positive control.
Mr Seyed Abdolhossein Tabatabaie, Mr Mohammad Reza Asharin, Mr Majid Assadi, Mr Iraj Nabipour, Mr Abdol Ali Ebrahimi, Ms Mojdeh Nasiri Ahmad Abadi, Mr Mansour Moghadam, Mr Mohammadreza Pourbehi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical of Journal 2009)
Background: Most patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) are still treated with pharmacological reperfusion which is not always successful. The aim of this study was to determine whether enoxaparin was associated with superior efficacy and safety compared with unfractionated heparin (UFH) in the STEMI setting. Methods: In this clinical trial, 150 patients less than 75 years old (104 men and 46 women) with STEMI who were scheduled to undergo streptokinase (1.5 milion unit per hour) randomly assigned to receive enoxaparin (40 mg intravenous bolus then 1 mg/kg subcutaneously BID) (group 1) or weight adjusted UFH from 24 to 48 hours after streptokinase (group 2). All patients underwent predischarge coronary angiography. Results: A number of 75 patients in group 1 (mean age 58.9 ±9.4) and 75 pateints in 2 (mean age 56.3±9.0) were studied. Two groups were well matched with respect to main risk factors and also other concomitant medications. Time from onset of symptom to start fibrinolysis and myocardial regions infarction were similar in both groups (p=0.13). Left ventricular ejection fraction were 45.2 ± 5.6 % in group 1 and 40.3 ± 7.3 % in group 2 (p=0.056). Major bleeding just was in 2 cases of group 1. Minor bleeding was in 10 cases of group 1 and 5 of group 2 (p>0.05). Conclusion: Our data showed a benefit of Enoxaparin compared with UFH in patients receiving fibrinolysis for STEMI with a mild trend toward an excess of bleeding. However, further well designed studies to assess these results with following patients for a longer period of time and also comparing therapeutic effects are needed.
Mr Abdol Ali Ebrahimi, Ms Sekiineh Ebrahimi, Mr Mahmoud Aghouli,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical of Journal 2009)
Background: Shigellosis is an acute inflammatory infectious colitis which is caused by genus Shigella. The bacterial identification in large number of stool specimens and antimicrobial susceptibility test are useful for diagnosis and treatment. Methods: In this study the total number of 414 stool specimens of children under 8 years old were refered to various laboratory centers for determination of possible bacterial infection in Fasa city were. The diagnostic biochemical serological tests as well as antimicrobial susceptibility test were done. Results: Out of 414 stool specimens 48 (11.5%) cases were positive (S.flexneri, 50% S.sonnei, 31.% S.dysenteriae, 12.5% S.boydii, 6.%). Conclusion: This study emphasizes on the pediatric evaluation of resistancy of the antibiotics using in children.
Hamid Shahbandar Zadeh, Darioush Mohammadi Zanjirani, Mehran Ebrahimi, Masood Mohammadi Baghmollaie,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (Iranian South Medical of Journal 2010)
Background: Customer orientation and focusing on service quality are the key success factors of service organizations. How to measure service quality is the ever problem for service industries due to the importance of service quality and its significant effect on customer satisfaction. This study attempted to develop a construct for measuring service quality in healthcare context. Methods: By using an almost comprehensive literature review, different dimensions of measuring service quality are identified. After finalizing the dimensions, a random sampling method is used for collecting data from patients in hospitals. A structural equation modeling approach is used for analyzing the data. Results: The findings indicate that the dimensions of the proposed model are of high validity and reliability for measuring service quality in healthcare sector. Conclusion: Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, atmosphere and tangibles, output quality and social responsibility can be considered as the dimensions of service quality in healthcare sector.
Alireza Farahmandzad, Rahim Sarvari, Firooz Ebrahimi, Mehdi Kamali, Jamil Zargan,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2012)
Background: Two Dimensional Electrophoresis (2DE) is the most commonly and useful separation technique in proteomics. Each proteome snapshot becomes a protein profile. By means of this technique, several proteins are studied simultaneously. Methods: In this study, by use of (2DE) method, the differences of two profiles of Buthidae endemic scorpions, A.Crassicauda known as "black scorpion" and "O. doriae" yellow scorpion", were investigated. Results: For A.Crassicauda scorpion there were about 20 spots (peptides) in 6.2 - 8.2 pH ranges and molecular weight was less than 3 to 14 kDa and O. doriae scorpion 30 peptides, in 6.3 - 8.5 pH ranges, 1 to 45 kDa that fractionated and identified. Conclusion: By this method, the field of bioinformative data bank from Iranian endemic scorpions' venom could be prepared. By making change of any effective factors on scorpion venom, considerable results due to influence of the factor on determining kind of venom can be achieved and studied.
Mahbod Ebrahimi,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2013)
Background Sonohysterography refers to a procedure in which fluid is instilled into uterine cavity transcervically during trans-vaginal ultrasound examination to visualize uterine cavity and tubal patency. This procedure is unknown for the most researchers and physicians in our country. Material and Methods: We collected the valid articles about sonohysterography in literatures in the last decade (2000-2012). We searched in Google scholar, Pub med, OVID, MEDLINE, EMBAS, Cochrane Labrary, SID, Iran medex, Mag Iran, and Med Lab. Results: The accuracy of sonohysterography in evaluation of uterine cavity is the same as hysteroscopy. This procedure has ability to visualize uterine cavity and to differentiate between septate and bicornuate uterus. In comparison with hysterosalpingography, this procedure gives more information about uterine cavity. Sonohysterography has high sensitivity and specificity in the evaluation of tubal patency. It serves as valuable first line screening test in abnormal uterine bleeding and congenital uterine anomalies. Conclusion: Sonohysterography is a useful, cost-effective, simple and safe screening method with high quality and low potential for side effects for the evaluation of uterine cavity and tubal patency in infertile women and the patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Patients tolerate this procedure well. This procedure can be used as a screening test for patients who need invasive procedures.
Mahbod Ebrahimi, Zahra Bahraninejad,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (Iranian South Medical journal 2014)
Background: The presense of women in workplace is an unavoiding issue in modern world. The women work in different media. Occupational activities are suspected of having an adverse impact on outcomes of pregnancy. Premature delivery is a catastrophic event in course of pregnancy. The aim of the study was to define the incidence of premature delivery in occupationally involved pregnant women. Material and Methods: A total of 287 primigravida women in an urban society with singleton pregnancies at 22 to 24 weeks gestation were enrolled in a prospective study. They worked in industrial manufactures. The patients reported the number of hours worked per week and answered specific questions designed to determine the following 5 sources of occupational fatigue including:1- posture ,2- work with industrial machines 3- physical exertion 4-mental stress and 5- environmental stress. Results: The risk of preterm delivery increased with standing more than 3 hours during activities in work place (p.value=0/019). There was not a statistically significant relationship between premature delivery and other sources of occupational fatigue. There was not a statically significant relationship between premature rupture of fetal membranes and the sources of occupational fatigue. There was not a statistically significant relationship between premature delivery and increasing number of hours worked per week. Conclusion: The relationship between premature delivery and occupational fatigue may provide guidelines according to pregnant women and their employers can be advised.
Hadi Ebrahimi , Gholamhosean Mohebbi , Amir Vazirizadeh, Iraj Nabipour , Mahmoud Nafisi Bahabadi ,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2015)
Sea cucumbers are one of the most echinoderms and from the class Holothuroidea. Some of their specific biological activities are including anti-cancer, anticoagulant, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-atherosclerosis and anti-tumor properties, as well as accelerate wound healing. The presence of different compounds such as saponins, chondroitin sulfates, glycosaminoglycans, sulfated Polysaccharides, glycoprotein, glycosphingolipids and essential and non essential fatty acids, are the causes of their biological properties. Saponins, which are produced for compatibility with the environment, are as theire secondary metabolites. These active compounds have biological properties like hemolytic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, ichthyotoxic, cytostatic, anti neogenic, antineoplastic, and uric acid lowering effects. Sea cucumber, have high economic value. In East Asia, Since ancient times, it have been traditionally used for the treatment of fatigue, sexual impotence, impotence caused by aging, constipation due to intestinal dryness, urinary incontinence, asthma, hypertension, arthritis and anemia. Also, toxins obtained from sea cucumber, have anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-cancer and anti-pregnancy properties. According to literatures, the aqueous extract and high molecular weight compounds from sea cucumbers can inhibit tumor activity, via the apoptosis induction. Sea cucumbers because of the high percentage of protein and the absence of cholesterol, classified as an invigorating food. Because of different species of sea cucumbers in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea the identification of compounds and biological properties of sea cucumber species in these regions is recommended to the researchers.
Mostafa Bakhshi , Firouz Ebrahimi , Shahram Nazarian , Yousef Tarverdizade , Davood Sadeghi ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2017)
Background: E. coli O157:H7 is one of the intestinal pathogens which can cause severe lesions in the gastrointestinal system. These bacteria can produce toxins and are the main cause of hospital infections. Their detection is usually done by culture on sorbitol-MacConkey agar which is a time-consuming test. The aim of this study was to develop a rapid, yet accurate method to identify this bacterium using a PCR based technique.
Material and Methods: rfbE and stx2b genes were selected for identification of specific E. coli O157:H7 strain. Then amplification was performed by PCR following designing specific primers. Sorbitol-MacConkey agar was used to verification of growth ability of selected colonies during PCR.
Results: By the appearance of the bonds belong to rfbE and stx2B genes on an agarose gel, the ability of designed primers for gene detection in samples of E .coli O157:H7 was verified. A sorbitol-MacConkey agar medium was used to evaluate the growing potency of colonies selected during PCR.
Conclusion: In this study we demonstrated that we could develop a fast, accurate, and relatively comfortable method for detection of E. coli O157:H7 strain by using PCR technique and specific primers instead of using current methods.
Seyed Omar Ebrahimi , Somayeh Reiisi ,
Volume 24, Issue 5 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2021)
Background: ncRNAs have been identified as oncogenic drivers and tumor suppressors in any type of cancer. Although many classes of ncRNAs have been reported, most studies have been performed on microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs can regulate several target genes and affect important processes such as homeostasis, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Located in the p75NTR gene, miR-6165 is known to induce apoptosis in colorectal cell lines, and one study proposed a tumor suppressive role in colorectal cancer. However, its mechanism of action in breast cancer is not completely understood yet. Therefore, this study aimed to consider the expression level and the effect of miR-6165 on the proliferation and migration in breast cancer.
Material and methods: Fifty tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues were examined in the study. miR-6165 levels were evaluated by qPCR in breast cancer cell lines and tumor tissues. Pre-mir-6165 was cloned in the pEGFPN1 vector. Next, human breast cancer MCF7 cells were cultured and pre-miR-6165 vector was transfected to breast cancer line. The effects on cell proliferation and migration were investigated with MTT assay and scratch test, respectively. Bioinformatics analysis was performed through enrichment and hub genes finding for miRNA targets.
Results: miR-6165 was overexpressed in breast cancer tumor tissues and cell lines. High expression of miR-6165 was directly related to the metastasis. miR-6165 increased proliferation and migration in breast cancer cell line.
Conclusions: miR-6165 may function as an oncomir and increase the growth and migration of cells which may consequently serve as a therapeutic goal for breast cancer.