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Showing 3 results for khodabandeh

Ferial Monsef, Saber Khodabandeh, Iraj Nabipour,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (Iranian South Medical journal 2014)

Background: Today use conotoxin as a neurotoxin and cytotoxin in medical science is obvious. These compounds are produced by venomous cone snails. Toxins produced by the venom apparatus of this snail and injected into the prey. To obtain and identification of these toxins, study of venom apparatus and the manufacture formation is necessary. Materials and Methods: In order to study the organ, specimens of C. coronatus were collected from the Coast of Gheshm Island. After dissection were fixed in Bouin's for 48 hours and transferred to laboratory into 70% ethanol. After dehydration and Paraffin embedded were cutted by microtome and then collected on glass slides and stained then photographed and studied. Results: Observation showed that, the venom bulb was muscular and in their middle part a channel with epithelial cells was observable that secreted some material. Venom duct walls composed of 3 parts including the outer layer of connective tissue with muscle an inner layer of columnar epithelial cells with basal nucleus and the inner lumens which filled by the. Departed nucleus by secretion exist in all 3 part of venom duct. In radula sac sections, lots growing radula were observed. Conclusion: Venom bulb was a weak secretion role and venom duct near the pharynx have a more mature granule than the other part. Holocrine secretion happened in all part of venom duct. Most suitable part for extract the conotoxin was the venom bulb end part.

Mahdeah Tahmasebi , Saber Khodabandeh ,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2015)

Background: The marine environment is anexceptional reservoir of bioactive natural products, many of them exhibit structural/chemical features that not found in terrestrial natural products.Glycosaminoglycans are one of this various bioactive compounds. Heparin, as a well known glycosaminoglycan, is a sulfated glycosaminoglycan that has natural anticoagulant properties. Heparin and heparin-like compounds are used as anticoagulants in many aspects of medicine. However, for two main reasons: 1. Contamination in heparin samples obtained from pig intestine or bovine lung pathogens and other pathogens, 2 .resource for use of heparin is limited and there are a lot of requirements for new compounds from natural resources. According to GAGs importance and widespread using of heparin in medicine, in the present study, GAGs compounds extracted from sea anemones and anticoagulant properties of the human blood is investigated. Materials and Methods: GAGs compound was extracted by using cetylpyridinium chloride. Anticoagulation activity of extracted GAGs (the extracted tentacle) was tested in human blood plasma, using manual procedures, and assay system, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Results: In this study the amount of the crude GAGs was 24 mg per gram of tentacle dry weight. The results ofanticoagulant activity extracted on human blood plasma showed that these compounds prolonged clotting time compared to the control. In APTT and PT assay of the extracted GAGs from the sea anemone also clotting time prolonged in compared to the control. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that anticoagulant compounds existed in the tentacle of the sea anemone, and although their effects is weaker than the heparin, but they can be substituted for heparin, at least in laboratory conditions.

Mina Baharloei , Saber Khodabandeh ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2016)

Background: Sea anemone is ocean dwelling and typically organisms sessile. These tentacles produce a variety of peptides and proteins that act as, neurotoxins and cytolysins toxins. Cytolysins due to their effect on specific tissue and lysing properties are known as antiparasitic or antitumor compounds.

Materials and Methods: Sea anemone Stichodactyla haddoni were collected from the coast of Hormuz Island in November 2012 and tentacles extraction was performed by using of saline PBS solvents. Peptides above 10kDa and peptides below 10kDa were separated by amicon® Ultra-15 10K device. The hemolytic activity was assessed by the micro hemolytic method for human, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and common carp Cyprinus carpio erythrocytes.

Results: Uniform red color suspension in the wells considered as positive hemolysis. The crude extracts, peptides above 10kDa and peptides below 10kDa at various concentrations were showed hemolytic effect on human, common carp Cyprinus carpioand rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss erythrocytes.

Conclusion: The crude extract, peptides above 10kDa and peptides below 10kDa have a hemolytic effect on human erythrocytes and two species of fish. The venoms showed the most hemolytic activities on human blood among others.

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