Volume 23, Issue 2 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2020)                   Iran South Med J 2020, 23(2): 165-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Nabipour I. The Fifth Generation University: Based on the Quintuple Helix of Carayannis and Campbell. Iran South Med J 2020; 23 (2) :165-194
URL: http://ismj.bpums.ac.ir/article-1-1300-en.html
The Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
Future Studies Group, The Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran , inabipour@gmail.com
Abstract:   (8986 Views)
The quintuple helix innovation model has been introduced by E.G. Carayannis and F.J. Campbell. The natural environments of society and the economy are major drivers of this innovation model. The third generation university (the convergence of government, industry and university), the fourth generation universities (the convergence of government, industry, university and civil society) and the fifth generation university (the convergence of government, industry, university, civil society and bio-environment) perform within Triple Helix, Quadruple Helix and Quintuple Helix models, respectively. According to the viewpoints of Carayannis and Campbell, the cardinal characteristics of the fifth generation university could be conceptualized as a knowledge-based innovation system which is sensitive to natural environment of society, produces knowledge within the mode 3 knowledge production framework, supports co-evolution and co-existence of different knowledge paradigms, shapes co-opetitive ecosystem for knowledge management and promotes knowledge democracy.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2020/03/5 | Accepted: 2020/05/2 | Published: 2020/06/30

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