Volume 20, Issue 3 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2017)                   Iran South Med J 2017, 20(3): 287-300 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohebbi G, Vatanpour H, Vazirizadeh A, Maryamabadi A, Hasaninejad A, Akbarzadeh S, et al . Phospholipase A2 activity of the Persian Gulf upside-down jellyfish venom (Cassiopea andromeda). Iran South Med J 2017; 20 (3) :287-300
URL: http://ismj.bpums.ac.ir/article-1-880-en.html
1- The Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
2- Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti Medical Sciences University, Tehran, Iran
3- The Marine Biology and Fishery Science Department, Persian Gulf Institute, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
4- Department of Chemistry, school of Sciences, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
5- The Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran , inabipour@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5929 Views)

Background: The venomous jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda can produce envenomation and different toxicological and biological effects by their nematocysts. The phospholipase A2 enzymes (PLA2) are toxic and induce various pharmacological effects including neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, and anticoagulant activities. The main aim of the current project was to screen the in vitro PLA2 activity of the C. andromeda crude venom. To better understand the experimental result; a molecular docking study was also performed.
Materials and methods: The live specimens were collected from Nayband lagoon, by a trawl net, and separation of their tentacles was done according to Bloom 's et al., method. The PLA2 activity of crude venom was performed according to the acidimetric method of Tan and Tan. The lyophilized venom was subjected to Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy, and the obtained structures were used for docking study against PLA2. The indoxam was considered as standard control.
Results: The PLA2 activity of the jellyfish crude venom was 413 ±0.08 µmol/min/mg. Analysis of the crude venom detected seven compounds (i-vii) using GC-MS. Docking data was also confirmed the experimental results. According to the docking results, the highest affinity [-6.7 (kcal/mol)] was observed in the compound “Pregn-5-ene-3,11-dione, 17,20:20,21 bis [methylenebis(oxy)]-, cyclic 3-(1,2-ethane diyl acetal”.
Conclusions: A high PLA2 level was found in the venom of C. andromeda. There was a good correlation between in vitro and in silico studies.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin
Received: 2017/02/28 | Accepted: 2017/06/5 | Published: 2017/07/5

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