Volume 22, Issue 5 (Iranian South Medical Journal 2019)                   Iran South Med J 2019, 22(5): 317-332 | Back to browse issues page

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Shojaee Barjoee S, Azimzadeh H, kuchakzadeh M, MoslehArani A, Sodaiezadeh H. Dispersion and Health Risk Assessment of PM10 Emitted from the Stacks of a Ceramic and Tile industry in Ardakan, Yazd, Iran, Using the AERMOD Model. Iran South Med J 2019; 22 (5) :317-332
URL: http://ismj.bpums.ac.ir/article-1-1175-en.html
1- Department of Environmental pollution, college of Environment, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran , said.shojaee71@gmail.com
2- Department of Environmental pollution, college of Environment, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
3- Department of Human Environment, General Office of Environmental Protection of Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran
Abstract:   (5669 Views)
Background: In developing countries, air pollution caused by industries constitutes a serious threat to public health. The present study was conducted to determine the dispersion patern and assess the health risks of PM10 emitted from the stacks of a ceramic and tile factory.
Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-cross sectional study was performed on a tile and ceramic industry in Ardakan, Yazd, Iran. The stacks emission information and meteorological and topographical data were first prepared to run the AERMOD model and draw the disperesion patern and evaluate exposure to PM10. The simulated concentrations were then compared to EPA and WHO standards, and carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of exposure to PM10 were calculated using the formulas proposed by EPA.
Results: The results showed unifrom PM10 dispersion in all directions given the flat modeling area. The simulated maximum PM10 concentrations were found to be higher than the maxium thresholds stipulated in both the standards for a 24-hour period and higher than the WHO thresholds on an annual basis. In contrast, the average daily and annual concentrations were found to be below the standard limits. The results of assessing both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks were therefore estimated to be acceptable. 
Conclusion: Although the present study calculated the contribution of the study factory’s stacks to carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks as acceptable, the cumulative effects of industries in Ardakan can increase these risks in the villages surrounding these industries.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2019/07/18 | Accepted: 2019/08/10 | Published: 2019/12/1

1. Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Rashidi R, Godarzi G, et al. Measurement of Mass Emission Values of Gaseous Pollutants from the Stack of Doroud Cement Plant. J Health Field 2014; 2(2): 36-42. (Persian)
2. Akhbari R, Amadeh H. Application of Pollution Haven Hypothesis in Identifying Dirty Industries Evidence of Iran-China Commercial Relationship. J Environ Sci Tech 2017; 19(2): 15-32. (Persian)
3. Nourmoradi H, Omidi khaniabadi Y, Goudarzi G, et al. Investigation on the Dust Dispersion (PM10 and PM2.5) by Doroud Cement Plant and Study of Its Individual Exposure Rates. J Ilam Univ Med Sci 2016; 24(1): 64-75. (Persian) [DOI:10.18869/acadpub.sjimu.24.1.64]
4. Noferesti AR, Atabi F, Nouri J, et al. Predicting the Mortality Rate Due to Particulate Matters Using AirQ Software and Health Risk Assessment in the City of Sanandaj. J Environ Sci Tech 2019; 21(2): 211-26. (Persian)
5. Mohseni Bandpi A, Eslami A, Shahsavani A, et al. Watersoluble and Organic Extracts of Ambient PM2. 5 in Tehran Air: Assessment of Genotoxic Effects on Human Lung Epithelial Cells (A549) by the Comet Assay. Toxin Rev 2017; 36(2): 116-24. [DOI:10.1080/15569543.2016.1259634]
6. Kermani M, Farzadkia M, Rezaei Kalantari R, et al. Assessment Risk of Heavy Metals in Particulate Matter Smaller than 10 Microns on Tehran's Kahrizak Compost Complex Workers in Winter 2016. Iran Occup Health 2018; 15(2): 165-75. (Persian)
7. Yunesian M, Aghaei M. Exposure Assessment to Environmental Pollutants in Human Health Risk Assessment Studies; Overview on New Approaches. J Health 2019; 10(2): 138-55. (Persian) [DOI:10.29252/j.health.10.2.138]
8. Marika B, Carl Gustaf E, Lars J. Human Exposure Assessment; an Introduction. World Health Organization, 2001, 196.
9. WHO. Human Risk Assessment Prepared by the Edinburgh Centre for Toxicology. UNEP/IPCS. Training Module No. 3 Section A, 1999, 1-106.
10. Fesahat M, Azimzadeh HR, Nejadkoorki F, et al. Measuring Air Pollutants in the Tile Industry and Providing Pollution Reduction Solutions (Case Study: Tile Factory located in Jahan Abad Meybod Industrial city). Second National Conference on Environmental Health, Health and Environment 2015. (Available from: URL: https://www.civilica.com/Paper-HYGIENE02- HYGIENE02_075.html). (Persian)
11. Tikul N, Srichandr P. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Ceramic Tile Production in Thailand. J Ceram Soc Jpn 2010; 118(1382): 887-94. [DOI:10.2109/jcersj2.118.887]
12. Fonseca AS, Maragkidou A, Viana M, et al. Process-Generated Nanoparticles from Ceramic Tile Sintering: Emissions, Exposure and Environmental Release. Sci Total Environ 2016; 565: 922-32. [DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.01.106]
13. De la Campa AM, Jesús D, GonzálezCastanedo Y, et al. High Concentrations of Heavy Metals in PM from Ceramic Factories of Southern Spain. Atmos Res 2010; 96(4): 633-44. [DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.02.011]
14. Siyahati Ardakani G, Mirsanjari M, Azimzadeh H, et al. Ecological Risk Assessment Of Heavy Metals In Topsoil Around Major Industries Of Ardakan City. J Toloo-e-behdasht 2019; 17(6): 95-110. (Persian) [DOI:10.18502/tbj.v17i6.501]
15. DS/ISO 9096:2017, Stationary Source Emissions - Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter, 2017. Available from: https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/DS/DSISO90962017.
16. Kalhor M, Ghaleh Askari S, Bozorgi M. AERMET Performance in Evaluation of Boundary Layer Parameters and Its Effect on Carbon Monoxide Concentration Outputs in AERMOD Model Compared to Upper Air Data. Iran J Health Environ 2018; 11(3): 365-76. (Persian)
17. Mohamad N, Latif MT, Khan MF. Source Apportionment and Health Risk Assessment of PM10 in a Naturally Ventilated School in a Tropical Environment. Ecotoxicol Environ Safe 2016; 124: 351-62. [DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.11.002]
18. U S Environmental Protection Agency. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume II Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program, EPA Publication EPA-454/B-13-003, 2013, 744.
19. Xu X, Lu X, Han X, et al. Ecological and Health Risk Assessment of Metal in Resuspended Particles of Urban Street Dust from an Industrial City in China. Curr Sci 2015; 108(1): 72-9.
20. Mohammed AM. Estimation of PM10 Health Impacts on Human within Urban Areas of Makkah city, KSA. [Preprints] 2017; 1-11. [DOI:10.20944/preprints201712.0089.v1]
21. Ghanavati N. Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Street Dust in Abadan. Iran J Health & Environ 2018; 11(1): 63-74. (Persian)
22. Mejari M, Shafie Pour M, Pardakhti A. Estimating Air Pollution Concentrations in a City Bus Terminal. Environ Sci 2015; 13(1): 125-30. (Persian)
23. Noorpoor A, Kazemi Shahabi N. Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants from the Ilam Cement Factory Stack. J Civ Env Eng 2014; 44.1(74): 107-16. (Persian)
24. Dejene A, Francine H. Gaussian Dispersion Model to Estimate the Dispersion of Particulate Matters (Pm2.5) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Concentrations on Tribal Land, Oklahoma. Am J Environ Sci 2015; 11(6): 440-49. [DOI:10.3844/ajessp.2015.440.449]
25. Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Emaeili SH, Goudarzi GH, et al. Assessment of Particulate Matter Dispersion Using Gaussian Plume Model: A Case Study of Doroud Cement Factory. J Knowl Health 2018; 12(4): 16-25. (Persian)
26. Alizadehdakhel A, Ghavidel A, Panahandeh M. CFD Modeling of Particulate Matter Dispersion from Kerman Cement Plant. Iran J Health Environ 2010; 3(1): 67-74. (Persian)
27. Akbari A, Borhandiani S. An Evaluation of Pollutant Gases Outlet Cement Factory Behbahan and Compared with the Standard. 1th National Conference on Planning and Environmental Hamadan Islamic Azad University. 2011; 1: 1-8. (Persian)
28. Khebri Z, Mousavian Nadoushan N, Nezhadkurki F, et al. Effect of Digital Elevation Model in Air Pollution Modeling Using AERMOD. RS GIS Nat Res 2014; 4(4): 25-33. (Persian)
29. Abbasi Chaleshtori L, Nejadkoorki F, Ashrafi KH. Performance of AERMOD Under Different Building Forms and Dimensions. Environ Sci 2015; 13(1): 15-24. (Persian)
30. Hall DJ, Spanton AM, Dunkerley F, et al. An Inter-Comparison of the AERMOD, ADMS and ISC Dispersion Models for Regulatory Applications. 2001 May. 28-31, Belgirate, Italy. Ispra: Joint Research Centre Environment Institute, 2001.
31. Mokhtar MM, Hassim MH, Taib RM. Health Risk Assessment of Emissions from a CoalFired Power Plant Using AERMOD Modelling. Process Saf Environ 2014; 92(5): 476-85. [DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2014.05.008]
32. Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Rashidi R, Godarzi G, et al. Measurement of Mass Emission Values of Gaseous Pollutants from the Stack of Doroud Cement Plant. J Health Field 2014; 2(2): 36-42. (Persian)
33. Akhbari R, Amadeh H. Application of Pollution Haven Hypothesis in Identifying Dirty Industries Evidence of Iran-China Commercial Relationship. J Environ Sci Tech 2017; 19(2): 15-32. (Persian)
34. Nourmoradi H, Omidi khaniabadi Y, Goudarzi G, et al. Investigation on the Dust Dispersion (PM10 and PM2.5) by Doroud Cement Plant and Study of Its Individual Exposure Rates. J Ilam Univ Med Sci 2016; 24(1): 64-75. (Persian) [DOI:10.18869/acadpub.sjimu.24.1.64]
35. Noferesti AR, Atabi F, Nouri J, et al. Predicting the Mortality Rate Due to Particulate Matters Using AirQ Software and Health Risk Assessment in the City of Sanandaj. J Environ Sci Tech 2019; 21(2): 211-26. (Persian)
36. Mohseni Bandpi A, Eslami A, Shahsavani A, et al. Watersoluble and Organic Extracts of Ambient PM2. 5 in Tehran Air: Assessment of Genotoxic Effects on Human Lung Epithelial Cells (A549) by the Comet Assay. Toxin Rev 2017; 36(2): 116-24. [DOI:10.1080/15569543.2016.1259634]
37. Kermani M, Farzadkia M, Rezaei Kalantari R, et al. Assessment Risk of Heavy Metals in Particulate Matter Smaller than 10 Microns on Tehran's Kahrizak Compost Complex Workers in Winter 2016. Iran Occup Health 2018; 15(2): 165-75. (Persian)
38. Yunesian M, Aghaei M. Exposure Assessment to Environmental Pollutants in Human Health Risk Assessment Studies; Overview on New Approaches. J Health 2019; 10(2): 138-55. (Persian) [DOI:10.29252/j.health.10.2.138]
39. Marika B, Carl Gustaf E, Lars J. Human Exposure Assessment; an Introduction. World Health Organization, 2001, 196.
40. WHO. Human Risk Assessment Prepared by the Edinburgh Centre for Toxicology. UNEP/IPCS. Training Module No. 3 Section A, 1999, 1-106.
41. Fesahat M, Azimzadeh HR, Nejadkoorki F, et al. Measuring Air Pollutants in the Tile Industry and Providing Pollution Reduction Solutions (Case Study: Tile Factory located in Jahan Abad Meybod Industrial city). Second National Conference on Environmental Health, Health and Environment 2015. (Available from: URL: https://www.civilica.com/Paper-HYGIENE02- HYGIENE02_075.html). (Persian)
42. Tikul N, Srichandr P. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Ceramic Tile Production in Thailand. J Ceram Soc Jpn 2010; 118(1382): 887-94. [DOI:10.2109/jcersj2.118.887]
43. Fonseca AS, Maragkidou A, Viana M, et al. Process-Generated Nanoparticles from Ceramic Tile Sintering: Emissions, Exposure and Environmental Release. Sci Total Environ 2016; 565: 922-32. [DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.01.106]
44. De la Campa AM, Jesús D, GonzálezCastanedo Y, et al. High Concentrations of Heavy Metals in PM from Ceramic Factories of Southern Spain. Atmos Res 2010; 96(4): 633-44. [DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.02.011]
45. Siyahati Ardakani G, Mirsanjari M, Azimzadeh H, et al. Ecological Risk Assessment Of Heavy Metals In Topsoil Around Major Industries Of Ardakan City. J Toloo-e-behdasht 2019; 17(6): 95-110. (Persian) [DOI:10.18502/tbj.v17i6.501]
46. DS/ISO 9096:2017, Stationary Source Emissions - Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter, 2017. Available from: https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/DS/DSISO90962017.
47. Kalhor M, Ghaleh Askari S, Bozorgi M. AERMET Performance in Evaluation of Boundary Layer Parameters and Its Effect on Carbon Monoxide Concentration Outputs in AERMOD Model Compared to Upper Air Data. Iran J Health Environ 2018; 11(3): 365-76. (Persian)
48. Mohamad N, Latif MT, Khan MF. Source Apportionment and Health Risk Assessment of PM10 in a Naturally Ventilated School in a Tropical Environment. Ecotoxicol Environ Safe 2016; 124: 351-62. [DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.11.002]
49. U S Environmental Protection Agency. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume II Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program, EPA Publication EPA-454/B-13-003, 2013, 744.
50. Xu X, Lu X, Han X, et al. Ecological and Health Risk Assessment of Metal in Resuspended Particles of Urban Street Dust from an Industrial City in China. Curr Sci 2015; 108(1): 72-9.
51. Mohammed AM. Estimation of PM10 Health Impacts on Human within Urban Areas of Makkah city, KSA. [Preprints] 2017; 1-11. [DOI:10.20944/preprints201712.0089.v1]
52. Ghanavati N. Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Street Dust in Abadan. Iran J Health & Environ 2018; 11(1): 63-74. (Persian)
53. Mejari M, Shafie Pour M, Pardakhti A. Estimating Air Pollution Concentrations in a City Bus Terminal. Environ Sci 2015; 13(1): 125-30. (Persian)
54. Noorpoor A, Kazemi Shahabi N. Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants from the Ilam Cement Factory Stack. J Civ Env Eng 2014; 44.1(74): 107-16. (Persian)
55. Dejene A, Francine H. Gaussian Dispersion Model to Estimate the Dispersion of Particulate Matters (Pm2.5) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Concentrations on Tribal Land, Oklahoma. Am J Environ Sci 2015; 11(6): 440-49. [DOI:10.3844/ajessp.2015.440.449]
56. Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Emaeili SH, Goudarzi GH, et al. Assessment of Particulate Matter Dispersion Using Gaussian Plume Model: A Case Study of Doroud Cement Factory. J Knowl Health 2018; 12(4): 16-25. (Persian)
57. Alizadehdakhel A, Ghavidel A, Panahandeh M. CFD Modeling of Particulate Matter Dispersion from Kerman Cement Plant. Iran J Health Environ 2010; 3(1): 67-74. (Persian)
58. Akbari A, Borhandiani S. An Evaluation of Pollutant Gases Outlet Cement Factory Behbahan and Compared with the Standard. 1th National Conference on Planning and Environmental Hamadan Islamic Azad University. 2011; 1: 1-8. (Persian)
59. Khebri Z, Mousavian Nadoushan N, Nezhadkurki F, et al. Effect of Digital Elevation Model in Air Pollution Modeling Using AERMOD. RS GIS Nat Res 2014; 4(4): 25-33. (Persian)
60. Abbasi Chaleshtori L, Nejadkoorki F, Ashrafi KH. Performance of AERMOD Under Different Building Forms and Dimensions. Environ Sci 2015; 13(1): 15-24. (Persian)
61. Hall DJ, Spanton AM, Dunkerley F, et al. An Inter-Comparison of the AERMOD, ADMS and ISC Dispersion Models for Regulatory Applications. 2001 May. 28-31, Belgirate, Italy. Ispra: Joint Research Centre Environment Institute, 2001.
62. Mokhtar MM, Hassim MH, Taib RM. Health Risk Assessment of Emissions from a CoalFired Power Plant Using AERMOD Modelling. Process Saf Environ 2014; 92(5): 476-85. [DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2014.05.008]

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